Alternate specializations are claiming to be more fruitful

Alternate specializations are claiming to be more fruitful

Students who pursue engineering, generally choose common branches of engineering to pursue career from like, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering

Students who pursue engineering, generally choose common branches of engineering to pursue career from like, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc. these branches are definitely important branches of engineering. But, still many of the engineering graduates do not find a job.

What can be the reason behind it?

Well, these specializations are so common that many of the students pursue among these branches and as there are lots of graduates from these common branches, it is difficult to prove yourself among others. Sometimes, even the good students do not get the chance to prove themselves.

Another reason is, these branches of engineering are proved to be more fruitful if you pursue these from tier 1 institutes like IIT, IIIIT, NIT, CFIT etc.

Because employers rely more on the students of these institutes as they already know that these students can help more in the growth of their organisations.

And, it is true, because, the infrastructure students get from these institutes is much more than any other institutes. And also, they get better chance to apply their knowledge to practical problems as they are free to think and innovate.

But what about the rest?

Don’t worry!

There are many other alternative branches of engineering which may not have that much demand as the traditional one but these can be promising career opportunities if you think to pursue them.

One of the reasons behind it may be, as these branches are not too old and as very few students go for these specializations, there are lots of opportunities in those fields.

Let’s have a look at some of these branches,

  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Aerospace Engineering
  3. Nuclear Engineering
  4. Material Engineering
  5. Petroleum Engineering
  6. Ethical Hacking
  7. Agriculture and Food Engineering
  8. Sound Engineering
  9. Energy Engineering
  10. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, etc.

If you are looking for the successful career in engineering, these can help you.