Is engineering acting in favour of the economy?

Is engineering acting in favour of the economy?

Yes. According to the former president of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee, “Engineers play a very vital role in each walk of life. They convert the inf


According to the former president of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee, “Engineers play a very vital role in each walk of life. They convert the information of basic sciences into products. They’re versatile minds who build bridges between science, technology and society.” Yes, these all are true. we use mobile, cars, laptops, air conditioners and many and plenty ofdifferent technologies that are essential in our daily life and these all are inventions of engineers behind which lots of engineering works and hard work were created to convey success to all these products. Engineers are the one without whom the planet won’t be the same as it is right now. Engineers are the one who is creating our lives easier by their purposeful inventions and it’s also serving to in favour of the economy. For example, you’ll find the maximum numbers of entrepreneurs these days are engineers and that they are serving to grow the economy in varied ways like generating revenue for the government, providing employment to the society etc. these are the direct involvement, however besides it engineers also help indirectly for the development of the economy.

For example, engineers build good infrastructure like, buildings, bridges, roads several and lots of and plenty of} other means that attracts many other companies including the foreign players to speculate and set up a company here in India, once more that economy gets stronger and society also improves. So, directly or indirectly, engineers play a significant role in the development of the economy. Besides this, the engineering sector of India is a dynamic sector that earns the largest foreign exchange in the country and the share of its foreign exchange earnings through foreign collaboration is around 63 %. Also, according to data published by Engineering Export Promotion Council of India, engineering export from India grew by 11.33 % by the year 2016 to 2017 and therefore the Engineering process Outsourcing is probably going to reach USD 40 billion by this year, 2020. Not only that, the entire off-shore engineering spend is probably going to grow to USD 125-150 billion by this year, 2020 and India, with its talent pool and experience in engineering services, is well suited to comprehend 25th of this opportunity.

So, directly or indirectly, Indian Engineering sector is helping much for the development of the economy.