The Post-Pandemic Corporate Skills: 2021 & Beyond!Sri Balaji University, Pune

The Post-Pandemic Corporate Skills: 2021 & Beyond!

The pandemic has built enormous changes in the workplace. Regardless of their jobs, employees were required to adapt rapidly to extensive changes ra

The pandemic has built enormous changes in the workplace. Regardless of their jobs, employees were required to adapt rapidly to extensive changes ranging from working remotely to operations.

But, the skills required to flourish in the job market were changing even before the pandemic.

Gartner data discovered that the number of skills expected for a single job increased by 10% per year. Gartner also observed that role-based skills weren’t assisting organisations in developing the right kind of employee skill sets. 

The top-5 soft skills that MBA students were found deficient in, as per campus recruiters, include adaptability, curiosity and general awareness, self-awareness, active listening, and critical observation.

During the lockdown, the organisations faced a learning curve as administrators figured out how to manage their teams virtually and how to maintain cohesion without the advantage of informal coffee, lunch, or corridor chats. As businesses now contemplate returning to the workplace, a distinct set of skills is likely to emerge for the transition.

As businesses continue to operate and plan for the future, here are some of the quintessential skills that employees will need:

Digital skills 

Organisations are spending heavily on adopting automated business processes. To create a sustainable enterprise that can continue even after the crisis, the companies focus on hiring a digitally advanced workforce. Since consumers today have moved to digital channels, businesses recognise the importance of digitally enhanced offerings and interactions.

Digitally advanced skills, largely in – Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and- Cloud-Computing, extend the capability of employees to react to post-crisis industry needs and can swiftly work in a digitally- advanced environment.

Emotional & Social Management skills 

In times of misfortune, keeping strong ties with clients is crucial for growth. Strengthening social and emotional skills is imperative for inspiring change and developing professional relationships with clients and employees. 

In the distanced working models, talent management is transitioning to hiring managers who have advanced communication skills significant for supporting the people associated with an organisation. After the pandemic, fostering emotional and social skills will enhance agility and flexibility at the workplace.


As many workplaces emerge as hybrid models or have other meaningful changes in how they operate, adaptability remains an increasingly essential skill. Being able to keep operating, even when you’re a little uncomfortable, is required for a time when so many things may be in flux. Choosing on stretch roles or driving on new challenges can support building adaptability muscles.

You still require to sprout that spark of innovation, deliver results, and be productive for the organisation. But you may need to find new ideas to collaborate virtually or achieve results when uncertainty lies in your path.

Data Literacy

As the fuel of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, data is a powerful asset for every company. With the right data, businesses can better foretell future business disruptions and serve customers with the right kind of products and services during or after the pandemic. Companies that recognise business trends and shifting customer demands can better respond in precise ways. 

Nevertheless, the data is useless to a business unless there is data literacy—people equipped with skills to interpret the data and make better decisions because of it. Data literacy experts are going to be more appealing to prospective employers than ever before.

Creativity & Innovation

We have already comprehended the value of creativity and innovation during the pandemic. Businesses that have evolved to deliver services virtually (like many healthcare providers) or quickly shift to new products have better weathered the storm. In a post-coronavirus system, we will require human ingenuity to invent, dream up new products and processes of working. Human creativity is going to be vital.

Some of the top hard skills that India b-school campus recruiters would like MBA students to possess include people management, quantitative skills, data science and analytics, specialized marketing, and supply chain management. Not only this, to thrive during and after the crisis, employees today must be equipped with adaptability, flexibility, and creativity. Employees will have to be active participants in recognising the skills, support and resources they want in order to do their jobs and collaborate with their corporations to get them.

Today, talent managers are required to redesign hiring strategies centring on requisite skills that can bring enhanced outcomes. If the talent management fails to nurture their employees’ existing talent, they potentially limit the organisation’s growth and sustainability in the future.