The CBSE had in 2019 agreed, following the Pulwama terrorist attack, to give certain exemptions to martyrs of the military and paramilitary forces.
The Central Board of Education (CBSE) agreed for the forthcoming board exams for class 10 and 12 to extend the relaxation of children’s standards to military personnel, as well as to those who died in fighting terror and left extremism.
The CBSE had in 2019 agreed, following the Pulwama terrorist attack, to give certain exemptions to martyrs of the military and paramilitary forces.
In 2020, CBSE decided to extend relaxations to the army wards and paramilitary forces who combat the terror and the left extremism for the country and are martyred in their duty during this period. The Board of Directors announced that if students skipped the practical test, it should take place by
April 2. It will also be authorized if the examination centre is moved to another area, he added.
The Board instructed that, if students miss their practical examination by 2 April 2020 and if they wish to be examined in a topic offered later, they should be able to do so at their convenience.
The candidates will apply to their schools and then send them to the CBSE regional bureau, said Bhardwaj.
The Board exams of CBSE Class XII take place on the 15th February and conclude on the 30, with Class X Exams taking place from the 15th to the 20th March.